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Sample of Divorce Agreement

时间:2012-11-29来源:上海离婚律师 作者: 钟涛律师点击:
Sample of Divorce Agreement
The Circuit Court of Cole County, Illinois
Domestic Relations Division, Illinois
With Regards the Marriage of:

Aaron Moore


Leticia Moore

Divorce Settlement Agreement

This is a petition for dissolution of the marriage that took place between the petitioner and the respondent and it is alleged on oath taken as given below.
  1. The place of residence of the petitioner is 234, Sunset Boulevard, Cole County, Illinois and the petitioner has been a resident of the state of Illinois for at least 90 days before the filing of the petition herein submitted.
  2. The petitioner (Aaron Moore) and the respondent (Leticia Moore) were wed on the 2nd of September 2003 in the state of Illinois and their marriage is registered under the laws of Cole County, Illinois.
  3. The petitioner and the respondent started living separately around the date, 1st of June, 2009.
  4. There is one child who is a minor born to the petitioner and the respondent. His name is Dawson Reid Moore born on 12th of January, 2005.
  5. The petitioner and the respondent both have entered an agreement with regards to all issues that concern the marriage. This has been recorded according to the Property Settlement agreement and the Child Care plan. A true and correct copy of the same has been entered along with this settlement agreement.
  6. As of this date the petitioner is employed by GNB Financial Services, 2352, Downtown Cole County, Illinois. The social security number of the petitioner is 546-76-5806. The respondent is employed at the Hutchinson Art Gallery, 3425, Crescent Boulevard. The social security number of the respondent is 342-54-6855.
  7. There is absolutely no likelihood that the petitioner and the respondent will be able to preserve their marriage and therefore, it is irreparably broken.
The petitioner therefore prays:
  • For the dissolution of the marriage between the petitioner and the respondent.
  • For the division of the property owned jointly by the petitioner and the respondent and settlement of all property and debts, resolution of child issues as specified by the aforementioned Property Settlement agreement and the Child Care plan.
  • Grant of relief as deemed fit, just and proper by the Court.
The respondent wishes to revert to her maiden name of Johnson upon the date of declaration of divorce.
Signature of Petitioner
Aaron Moore

On this day of 10th January of 2012, the petitioner herein personally submitted the petition and acknowledged the statements in the agreement, before me the undersigned notary public.
Signature of Notary Public
Notary Public
. TAG: Sample of Divorce Agreement

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