The agreement were: A, M, × × year × month × date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, × × × × × × × × No. Lu.
Agreement Person: Mr. Wang, female, year × month × date of birth, Han nationality, live in city, × × × × × × × ×House Lu
An agreement of the parties in the × × day of the District People‘s Government for marriage registration. Personality is not suited for the two sides could not live together, marital relations have broken down, divorce is now two sides to reach an agreement as follows:
1, Zhang and Wang, divorce.
2, the son Zhang × from the woman‘s care, the men who pay a monthly maintenance fee 500 yuan paid before the 10th of each month; up to 18 years of age pay only 18 years after the two sides in future renegotiation of the cost.
3, couples are located in the road of building a set of numbers, worth 60,000 yuan, is now owned by the woman in consultation of all, the man from the woman a one-time payment of 30,000 yuan in cash. Room of the home appliances and furniture, etc. (see list), both sides agreed price is 20,000 yuan, all owned by the woman, the man paid 10,000 yuan female direction.
4, husband and wife without the common claims and liabilities.
5, Zhang can be the first Saturday of each month
Triple copies of this Agreement, a style, both sides armed with a copy of the marriage registration office filed a copy of both sides signed and approved by the appropriate procedures for handling the marriage registration office to take effect.
The agreement were: the agreement by:
男方姓名: 出生年月: 民族: 身份证号: 住址:
女方姓名: 出生年月: 民族: 身份证号: 住址:
双方于 年 月 日在____区人民政府办理结婚登记手续。(结婚证号码 ),并生有1名婚生女( ,19 年 月 日出生)
二、婚生女 由女方直接抚养。抚养期间,男方承担婚生子的抚养费(包括医疗费、教育费、保险费) 元;
男方每个月可以探望婚生女 次,也可以到学校探望,每周可与婚生女共同居住 天,寒暑假可以共同居住 天,女方有协助的义务;
双方认可婚后个人随身物品归个人所有。个人随身物品中包含衣物、首饰、个人用品、手机、化妆品 等个人专用物品。
婚前财产: 男方 女方
婚前个人债权债务:男方 女方
婚姻存续期间个人债权债务:男方 女方
(2)女方自离婚证领取之日起,取得下列夫妻之间共同财产的所有权:彩电一台、 冰箱一台、 洗衣机一台、 空调一台、 家俱一套、 组合音响 一套、生活日用品 件,总计约 元;
银行存款 元,归女方 元,男方 元;运营出租车,作价 元,归女方 元,男方 元。
四、男方确认给女方经济补偿 元;
五、离婚后,一方不得干扰另一方的生活,不得向第三方泄漏另一方的个人隐私和商业秘密,不得有故意损坏另一方名誉的行为,否则承担违约金 元。